What kind of marketing is the most effective?

sneezr.ca Have you ever asked yourself that question? I did. In fact, many years ago I spent countless hours trying to figure it out.
The answer turned out to be quite simple: word of mouth marketing. Or as I call it: the art of cultivating recommendations.

Surprised? Probably not. With recommendations, there is no sales pressure and no credibility issues. When your friends, family members or trusted co-workers recommend something or someone to you, they are genuinely trying to help you. That means a lot, which is why you usually remember it for a long time. But here is the catch: recommendations must be earned. How do you do that? Where do you start? How do you give people a reason to talk about your products/services? How do you nudge your story into every day conversations? I launched sneezr.ca to help you answer those questions.

How good is your parallel parking?

Parallel parking is not easy. Parallel parking is not fun. Most people continue reading

How Neil Pasricha killed a wolf with his bare hands

This is a long post, so please feel free to skip it.

“2008, 2009 were heavy years for me….”
That is not me talking. That is Neil continue reading

Why Starbucks and Rihanna fill my cup

Why do I love Starbucks?
How much time do I have? Not much? Okay, here it is:
It’s not just the coffee; or the original and pleasant continue reading

Remarkably smooth

This remarkable new version of Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal” by two young musicians from Croatia was viewed over 600,000 times (as of Jan 24 2011) in only continue reading

Are record clubs the new book clubs?

My brother-in-law recently told me about record clubs in England. What’s a record club? According to this  continue reading


What are some of your best memories?

Great memories: aren’t they the true rewards of life? Memories such as riding a brand new bike for the first time. (Just thinking about it makes continue reading

Can you buy attention?

There is no longer enough money in the world to buy attention for average ideas.
—Simon Fairweather, WeAreRepublic.com

Why little things make all the difference

If you think small things don’t matter, try spending the night in a room with a mosquito.
—The Dalai Lama

My 2¢: It’s often the continue reading

How to impress a French girl

My 2¢: Is this an example of Brand Journalism?
Here is what Eric Schmidt (Google’s CEO) said about the origins of this video.

Are you living your dream?

My 2¢: Is this an example of Brand Journalism?
By the way, BMW told the audience in a German theatre what they were about to experience.
