What are you sneezing about?
From time to time, first-time readers will ask about the origin of the name ‘sneezr.’ Here’s the short answer: Sneezing is usually a vivid experience. Your whole self gets involved. And something usually makes us sneeze, right?
Now, think about word-of-mouth marketing (WOM) for a moment. Something usually triggers WOM, and that something is usually intentionally cultivated. But how?
How much time do I have? Not much? OK. In short, through design — think MINI, Apple (through ease of use); think Google, Amazon (through remarkable customer service); think Zappos, Rackspace.
The key takeaway is that word-of-mouth marketing can be intentionally cultivated.
Yet, interestingly, when we recommend someone or something, we often feel that we do it completely voluntarily.
Your idea, your business, your product, etc. will spread faster if people are sneezing about it. :)