What kind of marketing is the most effective?

sneezr.ca Have you ever asked yourself that question? I did. In fact, many years ago I spent countless hours trying to figure it out.
The answer turned out to be quite simple: word of mouth marketing. Or as I call it: the art of cultivating recommendations.

Surprised? Probably not. With recommendations, there is no sales pressure and no credibility issues. When your friends, family members or trusted co-workers recommend something or someone to you, they are genuinely trying to help you. That means a lot, which is why you usually remember it for a long time. But here is the catch: recommendations must be earned. How do you do that? Where do you start? How do you give people a reason to talk about your products/services? How do you nudge your story into every day conversations? I launched sneezr.ca to help you answer those questions.

You know that your company could miss the future, right?


“I looked at lots of companies and why I thought they don’t succeed over time… And I said, what did they fundamentally do wrong? continue reading

Trend report 2016.

krisp trends 2016

To know… scratch that. To even get a glimpse at the mass mind is no simple matter. To continue reading

Your children might never buy a traditional newspaper.


“What do I care? I’m not in the newspaper business.” Is that what you’re thinking right now? If yes, fair enough. So, your continue reading

Why does it end?

If customer experience is the new marketing, why does experience end in so many companies once someone becomes a customer?

In theory, ‘Relationship Marketing’ is the continue reading

You have magic in your fingers.

Don’t believe me? :) Here’s one example: you can make a paper plane, no? If yes, isn’t there something magical about the experience continue reading

What can our grandmas teach you about business


The best products, services, websites, you-name-it create little or no friction for their end users. Twitter is not one of those products/services/websites. Facebook is.

continue reading

How to make a $900,000 shot

If you don’t have time to watch the video that explains how one photo has, to-date, earned its makers $900,000, here’s the whole story in continue reading

The most important job of an advertisement.

I spread stories of my fellow storytellers simply because I’m in awe of their art and the only way I can repay them is to share their art with others. Case in point:

“The continue reading

Do your ads look like park benches?

Why are park benches usually painted green? Because the colour (green) blends in with surroundings.
Do you want your ads to blend in with their surroundings?

The real Apple Store.

My 2¢: Almost everything can be made interesting. You just need to present it properly.

In my experience, one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs continue reading