What kind of marketing is the most effective?

sneezr.ca Have you ever asked yourself that question? I did. In fact, many years ago I spent countless hours trying to figure it out.
The answer turned out to be quite simple: word of mouth marketing. Or as I call it: the art of cultivating recommendations.

Surprised? Probably not. With recommendations, there is no sales pressure and no credibility issues. When your friends, family members or trusted co-workers recommend something or someone to you, they are genuinely trying to help you. That means a lot, which is why you usually remember it for a long time. But here is the catch: recommendations must be earned. How do you do that? Where do you start? How do you give people a reason to talk about your products/services? How do you nudge your story into every day conversations? I launched sneezr.ca to help you answer those questions.

Do you know how to romance money?

Image via uncrate.com

Money often has to be romanced. Case in point: Dollar Shave Club. continue reading

What have you taught yourself in the last six months?

With so many outlets for learning new skills today, you don’t have an excuse not to do it.

Metaphors are often just metaphors.

Marketing funnels vs real funnels: real funnels have hard sides. Marketing funnels not so much.
Metaphors are often just metaphors. It’s easy to forget that.

In your ads, don’t tell your story.


In your ads, spark a dialogue. The deeper the dialogue, the greater the sales results.

FYI: Facebook organic reach for posts is now almost 0%.

Without boost/promo, this is what happens on FB: Get idea->Write a Post->Post->Get silence.

Are you offering painkillers or candy?

Creative people often offer candy-only (nice-to-haves) to clients who need painkillers (a sales-focused landing page, ad, or email ).

Back to you: are continue reading

If your business is not a brand, it’s a commodity.

For all of my interviews with an author, I usually write a short intro that introduces the person to my readers.
Since  continue reading

Your turn.

Are you excited to send someone to your website?

May 2, 2015

“Take the story of…”

The word ‘story’ alone is a magnet.
It’s 2015, but the technology of the soul has not changed much, no? :)

Super sad true biz story :(


Have you ever witnessed this scene: a new business opens in your city. You maybe notice it as you drive by because a small banner says “Open.” continue reading