What kind of marketing is the most effective?

sneezr.ca Have you ever asked yourself that question? I did. In fact, many years ago I spent countless hours trying to figure it out.
The answer turned out to be quite simple: word of mouth marketing. Or as I call it: the art of cultivating recommendations.

Surprised? Probably not. With recommendations, there is no sales pressure and no credibility issues. When your friends, family members or trusted co-workers recommend something or someone to you, they are genuinely trying to help you. That means a lot, which is why you usually remember it for a long time. But here is the catch: recommendations must be earned. How do you do that? Where do you start? How do you give people a reason to talk about your products/services? How do you nudge your story into every day conversations? I launched sneezr.ca to help you answer those questions.

The only creatures on the planet

Running out of firewood for your creative fireplace?
This book by Earl Nightingale* makes for an excellent fire starter. Here’s a little taste:

We continue reading

What can a popular TV show teach us about business

One of my favourite TV shows is Men of a Certain Age. The show is about three male friends continue reading

What precedes momentum?

I just finished reading an article by continue reading

Thank you, hard taco shells

“Thank you, hard taco shells, for surviving the long journey from the factory to the supermarket to my plate and then breaking the moment I put continue reading


Website for sale…barely used.

Low hits…some pictures…links.
Make offer.

The above is the working title and a short description of my new ebook—stay tuned…

Should he be allowed to touch the art at museums?

Great copywriters are great storytellers.
But don’t take my word for it, just listen to this:

His words carry weight that would break a less interesting continue reading


The New Beautiful

An inspiring book. That’s what I first thought when I finished reading Unthinking (I highly recommend it), by Harry Beckwith, continue reading

How to write with style by Kurt Vonnegut

“Keep it simple.
Remember that  two great masters of language, William Shakespeare continue reading

Would you recommend us to a friend?

The best promoter of your business is your customer.
Are you giving people something to talk about?
Why is this important?
Because continue reading

Malcolm Gladwell’s secret weapon

A quick reminder: Malcolm Gladwell is a staff writer with The continue reading