Meet Harry Beckwith: the Master of Simplicity

I spread stories of my fellow storytellers simply because I’m in awe of their art and the only way I can repay them is to share their art with others.

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How to be creative

Ask: What would people love?
The above question is just one of many stimulating ideas I found in Harry Beckwith’s book What clients love.
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The New Beautiful

An inspiring book. That’s what I first thought when I finished reading Unthinking (I highly recommend it), by Harry Beckwith, as he is a master storyteller with a gift for discussing marketing matters in marvellously authentic & amusing ways. Here’s just one of the gems I found in Unthinking:

“In 2008, Philips Electronics conducted a study intended to measure the cost to American businesses of returned products. Their conclusion startled many people: The cost was $100 billion a year.

In years past, this news would have clearly signaled  that America’s quality movement had miles to go, that for all the talk about quality circles and Six Sigma, American business was still failing.

But in 2008,

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How to get people to notice your product or service

Before I go on, let me point out a couple assumptions I am making here:
a. You know EXACTLY who your target audience is.
b. You are good at what you do.

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