How to simply validate or invalidate your business idea
For all of my interviews with an author, I usually write a short intro that introduces the person to my readers. Before I begin the interview with Cindy Alvarez, the author of Lean Customer Development, let me just say three quick things:
a. Her ideas are simple.
b. She reminds us that the most effective actions in business are within the reach of everyone.
c. Anyone starting a business or launching a new service/product should read her book.
Of course, predictability and guarantees are already gone even if you don’t practice customer development. Consumerization of enterprise software, “there’s an app for that”, and constant updates have already gotten customers used to demanding what they need and refusing to be sold. But there are still business leaders who are still able to pretend that they have it all figured out. Customer development demands that they admit that there’s a lot they don’t know.
Jenan: Thank you for your time, Cindy — all the best until next time!
June 15 2015