Isn’t a true story well-told a beautiful thing?
A true story, well-told, resonates with people.
Consider an excerpt from a remarkable campaign David Ogilvy put together for Mercedes-Benz: “You give up things when you buy the Mercedes-Benz 230S. Things like rattle, rust, and shabby workmanship.”
Tell me, isn’t a true story well-told a beautiful thing?
And you—is your story well-told?
One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face in growing their businesses is this: they fail to appreciate the importance of telling their story well. And if purposeful storytelling is not your strong suit, why wouldn’t you hire a professional to help you articulate your story?
If brands such as Mercedes-Benz take these things seriously, how can you afford not to?
Please remember that the icing is not the cake, and the icing does not make the cake.
Said differently, your story is just the icing. Your product and/or service must be the cake.
But when the two come together, you’ve got a beautiful package that’s hard to ignore.