Why is copywriting important in business?

One of my specialties is copywriting. (Offline, online…what line?)
Why is copywriting one of the most essential ingredients of any marketing project?
Because copywriting sits at the intersection where business meets people. Real people.

Copywriting is not a flashy tactic.
Copywriting is about articulating and sharing a purpose compellingly.
Copywriting is a commitment—a commitment to engage with people in a manner that they will value, and yes, perhaps even enjoy.

Copywriting isn’t about writing. Copywriting is about selling.
And sales make it possible for a business to exist. Effective copywriting shifts your messages away from what you want to say toward what people want to hear, and it can be a magical thing. It can take your business from ordinary to legendary.

Consider this scenario: You are running a small web design shop. You find out that a small, family owned and very traditional life insurance broker is interested in having a website. What would you tell them? How would you concisely promise them a benefit early in the process? How about this: “Your new website will be your smile and your hand shake on the Internet.“

Please remember that the icing is not the cake, and the icing does not make the cake.
Said differently, copywriting is just the icing. Your product and/or service must be the cake.
But when the two come together, you’ve got a beautiful package that’s hard to ignore.
