The Matrix.





If you’re anything like most people who love The Matrix, you’ll likely never forget those names.

What else do you remember about the Matrix trilogy?

Would you believe me if I were to tell you that it was written and directed by the Wachowski sisters?

“No way!” you might say. “The image attached to this post, isn’t that a screenshot of the closing credits from The Matrix? And doesn’t it say that the movie was written and directed by the Wachowski brothers?”

Yes, that is a screenshot of the closing credits from The Matrix. And, yes, it does say that it was written and directed by the Wachowski brothers. Their names were Larry and Andy Wachowski.

But that’s an outdated fact.

“Whoa, wait… An outdated fact — how’s that?” you might say.

In the years following the release of The Matrix, back in 1999, the older Wachowski, Larry, completed her transformation from male to female. Larry Wachowski is now Lana Wachowski. In the spring of 2016, the younger Wachowski, Andy, publicly announced her transition. Andy Wachowski is now Lilly Wachowski. (Go ahead, Google it if you must.)

The takeaway: Things change. An average business person? Not so much.

For example, your traditional idea of a website has been dead for a long time now.

Yet, to this day, even when they decide to rejuvenate their website, it’s not unusual to hear business people ask questions such as, “How many pages are we going to have?” They don’t get that we are conceptually beyond “pages.”

Countless people don’t seem to be willing to accept the idea that all facts, including those in business, have a shelf-life.

You’re not one of them, right?

(Image source

Nov 1, 2016